Enrolment Instructions for SHSEE Passers

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Enrolment Instructions for MSU Marawi Senior High School Passers

Please be informed that the online registration (STEP 1 of the enrolment) and the enrolment proper (STEPS 2 to 5 of the enrolment — submission of hard copy of credentials, etc.) are scheduled on August 1-3, 2024 and August 5-9, 2024, respectively.

Meanwhile, kindly prepare your requirements for enrolment, to wit:

1. Grade card (Original)

2. Certificate of Good Moral Character (Original)

3. PSA-Authenticated Birth Certificate (Photocopy, but please prepare the original document for cross-checking)

4. 2×2 ID pictures

Save a clear digital copy (scanned image or PDF) of these on your devices as well for your online registration (STEP 1 OF THE ENROLMENT). The hard copy should be enclosed in a long brown envelope and should be submitted during your designated enrolment schedule as indicated in the message you will receive from our email address, seniorhs@msumain.edu.ph, not later than July 31, 2024.

Please KEEP YOUR E-MAILS (AS YOU HAVE PROVIDED IN YOUR SHSEE APPLICATION) ACTIVE for the sending of the link to the online registration form and pertinent instructions not later than July 31, 2024. The online registration allows you to choose your SHS strand depending on your scores, so please make sure that you have a stable Internet connection on August 1-3, 2024, during the online registration. Take note that your strand in your online registration is your final SHS strand. ONLINE REGISTRATION IS ON A FIRST COME, FIRST SSERVED BASIS.

THOSE WHO HAVE LOST ACCESS TO SAID E-MAIL ADDRESSES MAY CREATE A NEW E-MAIL following this e-mail address format, lastname_firstname_###@gmail.com. Send these details: (1. FULL NAME; 2. LRN; 3. BIRTHDATE; 4. PERSONAL CONTACT NUMBER; and 5. NEWLY CREATED ACTIVE G-MAIL ADDRESS, eg: dimalna_junaina_123@gmail.com) to this page. The e-mail should be active, otherwise, you will not receive your personal link to the online registration form. No student will be enrolled unless he/she has registered online (Step 1).

Please follow instructions. Thank you!