The Peace Education RTD was organized by King Faisal Center for Islamic and Asian Studies particularly the International Relations Department Chairperson Prof. Jalloud Abdul, former Peace Action Officer and hosted by the Institute of Peace and Development in Mindanao headed by Executive Director Prof. Dr. Acram Latiph. The purpose of the round table discussion is an exploration and discourse of best practices among the two Universities which eventually can establish a framework that is applicable to all. The RTD was held at Peace Center, 1:00 o’clock in the afternoon on September 30, 2024.
The participants of the said RTD were visitors from Padjadjaran University in Indonesian, namely, Dr. Dina Yulianti Sulaeman (lecturer, Department of International Relations), Dr. Deasy Silvya Sari, Head Center for Security and International Studies, Dr. Irman G. Lanti (Lecturer, Department of International Relations and Dr. Akim S. IP (Chariperson, Department of International Studies) and from the Institute side are Dr. Acram Latiph, Executive Director, IPDM, Dr. Tirmizy Abdullah, Peace Research Officer, Prof. Almahdi Alonto, Peace Education Officer, Prof. Mojahid Barani, Peace Education Associate Officer, Dr. Aliah P. Cali-Pascan, Peace Action Officer, Dr. Khayronesah Abbas, Associate Officer for Peace Action. Others who were invited were Peace Educators from KFCIAAS, namely, Atty. Jashim Abdurrahman and Dr. Mohammad Jihan Macarambon. And of course, the group was delighted to see in the discussion, the former Assistant Secretary of OPAPP then, OPAPRU (now), Dr. Jehanne Muti who is also a lecturer of International Relations Department KFCIAAS.
The discussion was chaired by Dr. Irman G. Lanti. He showed the results diagram of Inter ASEAN University Network for Harmony. He said, we thought of having this kind of effort since like you, we have firsthand experience of conflict. Our university was challenged by many conflicts and yet, we are resilient. Like MSU, we want to know the possible collaboration. After his presentation on the diagram which resulted to South East Asia Approach to Peacebuilding, Executive Director Acram Latiph shared the similarities of the mandates of IPDM as to the results diagram of Harmony.
In dept discussion arose like the possibility of acknowledging and addressing the Transitional Justice Reconciliation as stressed out by Prof. Alonto. Dr. Mutin emphasized the importance of Masshuara which is not being considered and shown as part in the western peace theories, a unique and salient feature of Islamic religion which is like Indonesian practices. Dr. Abdullah ensured that MSU has a lot to offer for the collaboration. MSU IPDM is connected to community. We bring peace to grassroots level.
Indeed, Dr. Lanti elaborated that we come to the right partner for Peace.