Mindanao State University - Main Campus

Office of Admissions

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > Office of Admissions

About the Office


The creation of the Office of Admissions, Mindanao State University, Main Campus was approved by the Curriculum Committee in its 26th Meeting held in February 1975.

It was formally separated from the Registrar’s Office on May 18, 1978 with Special Order No. 27-B, Series of 1978, as completely independent unit. It enjoys the right of a separate budget and exercises the following duties and responsibilities as stipulated in S.O. No. 27-B, Series of 1978.

  • Sit as a regular member of the Academic Planning Committee.
  • Develop, supervise, and coordinate to admission procedure.
  • Design, improve, administer, and supervise the University Scholarship Examination.
  • Conduct research and follow-up studies related to student admissions and student performance.
  • Perform specific and special duties as may be assigned by the Vice President for Academic Affairs from time to time.

The Office of Admissions is the gateway and frontline semi-academic unit of the Mindanao State University. It caters to interested and qualified students who seek scholarship admission to the University to pursue relevant and demand-driven academic degree program.

BOR Resolution No. 1530, Series of 1978, dated June 16, 1978, further strengthen, and expanded the functions of the Office of Admissions, one of which in the administration of the SASE and CET.


The Office of Admissions aims to become a highly competent and effective unit of the University in the screening and admission of students and in providing scholarship grants to deserving students at the University.


The Office shall strive for the efficient implementation of admission and scholarship policies and procedures ensuring adherence to the demands of academic excellence and shall continue to initiate and implement more effective testing and screening programs designed to further improve the selection and recruitment of scholars, study grantees and other incoming students.


To provide an effective admission, testing and scholarship services designed to support and promote the University’s vision and mission of academic excellence and the socio-economic development of the Muslims and other cultural groups in the MINSUPALA region.


By virtue of BOR Res. No. 1530, s. 1978, as amended, the Office of Admissions is mandated to perform the following functions:

  • To develop, supervise, and coordinate the implementation of admission policies and procedures under the direct supervision of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs;
  • To administer and supervise the MSU System Admission and Scholarship Examination for Marawi Campus;
  • To implement the revised scholarship scheme in close consultation and as authorized by the Campus Scholarship Committee;
  • To formulate and implement policies governing the admission of transferees, second-degree students, foreign students, and the readmission of dismissed students, and other scholastic delinquents;
  • To render assistance to students who were having admission and scholarship problems;
  • To undertake studies and recommend improvements on student admission and scholarship and student performance; and,
  • To promote and establish goodwill and rapport with the public especially with all high schools in the MINSUPALA Region for a continuous input of freshmen students.



(Former to Present)

Dr. Rebecca Morales (1975) is a professor of Mathematics of the College of Arts and Science. She also served as Dean of the same College.

Dr. Rodolfo Ulep is a professor at the College of Agriculture. He also served as Dean of the same College.

Dr. Edna C. Delos Santos is a professor of the College of Sports, Physical Education, Arts and Recreation.

Prof. Yusoph C. Latip (1984-1987) is a professor in Physics, later appointed as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs then Assistant Vice President for Academic Affairs and then promoted as Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Dr. Macabangkit P. Ati (1987-1989) is a professor in Public Administration. Later, appointed as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, also appointed as Executive Vice President of the University then appointed as Superintendent of MSU-Maigo School of Arts and Trade, Lanao del Norte.

Prof. Madid A. Sheik (1989-2010) is a professor at the College of Fisheries and serve as the long-term director of the Office of Admissions for twenty (20) years in service.

Dr. Aida M. Macada-ag (2010-2011) is a professor at the College of Education and a former Dean of the same College.

Dr. Zenaida A. Ababa (2011-2013) is a professor of Mathematics of the College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics. Also, appointed as Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs.

Dr. Montia D. Sarip (2013-2016) is a professor at the College of Education and a former Dean of the same college.

Dr. Minerva-Saminah M. Naga-Laguindab (2016-2021) is a professor at the College of Education, at the same time, a Special Assistant of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs System. Also appointed as Dean of the same college.

Dr. Athena Jalaliyah B. Derico-Lawi (2021-2022) is a professor at the College of Health and Science. Also served as Dean of the same college.

Dr. Mustapha E. Dimaro, JD, Sh.L (2022 to present) is a professor of the King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies. Also served as Chairperson of the International Relations Department.

Office Contact Info

Prof. Mustapha Edres Dimaro, DPA, JD, Sh.L.

Domocao Alonto, New Admin Building, 1st Street,
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Philippines

+63 935 096 3020

Monday – Friday
8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Social Info

Office of the Director

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Admission Unit

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Scholarship Program Unit

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  • RAISAH L. LAO, LPTRegistrar I
  • SHELAMIE S. KABIRUN, LPTAdministrative Aide VI
  • SHOHAYLLA S. SARIGALAAdministrative Assistant

Test and Evaluation Unit

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  • NORANIA M. MUSLIMEducation Specialist I
  • PAPALADUN M. DISAMBURUNAdministrative Assistant

Administrative and Technical Support Unit

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  • HASSANUL S. HADJI NAJEEB, MPAComputer Technician I
  • SUSAN G. BARAACALAdministrative Assistant
  • ROHANISAH HM. CONDINGAdministrative Assistant
  • SHAILANIE D. MACAPAARAdministrative Aide VI
  • MOHAMMAD AL-RYANN PAITAOAdministrative Assistant
  • ESMAEL A. EDRESLiaison Officer II
  • MARIETTA B. NOVELAAdministrative Aide

Services Offered

College Entrance Test
Academic Scholarship


(2019 -2020 Student Handbook, BOR Resolutions 230, s.2015, BOR Resolution No. 170, s. 2012 and MSU SASE Handbook for Test Administration 2008.)

System Admission and Scholarship Examination (SASE) is a fixed scheduled exam once a year every month of January of the year. SASE will be conducted by the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs System and the Office of Admissions, a student who pass the SASE will be capable to enroll to any of the University campuses nationwide except to those campuses mentioned in Article XV of this Manual. Also, SASE, manage and administer all university scholarship program except those scholarship program from other partners from other government agency and private organization.

Section 1. The MSU SASE

  • The MSU SASE (System and Admission Scholarship Examination) is a non-negotiable requirement for all forms of admissions, scholarship, and study grants in the MSU System. The exam is administered once a year, during the First Semester, for graduating senior high school students who want to enroll in the University the succeeding year.
  • SASE Scores: The MSU Marawi Campus adopts the following SASE cut-off scores for admission during the AY 2013-2014.

ADMISSION STATUS                                            CUT-OFF SCORE

      1. Academic Scholar (All Tribes)                                          101-147
      2. Special Muslim Scholar (All Muslim Tribes)                   90-100
      3. Qualified for AB/BS (Baccalaureate)                              70-100
      4. CBP (Muslim Tribes and Mindanao Lumads)                55-74
      5. Technology (All Tribes)                                                       50-54

Section 2. The Summer CBP: The College Bound Program (CBP) is a summer remedial program designed for Muslim students and Mindanao Lumads who obtained a SASE score of 55-74. The Tribe (Muslim or Lumad) must be indicated in the SASE rating. If they pass the CBP, they qualify for admission in the regular 4 or 5 years degree programs the following semester. The Top CBP participants may be awarded CBP Study Grant.

Section 3. Fix date of SASE- SASE is regularly given every month of January every year.

Section 4. Fix date of release of SASE result- The release of the result of the SASE will be at least  two (2) months after the SASE.

Section 5. SASE Testing Centers handled and administered by Office of Admissions. The following are the test centers exclusively handled, administered and operated by the Office of Admissions in the operation and conduct of SASE, namely:

    1. MSU Main Campus, Marawi City
    2. MSU Wao Community High School, Wao, Lanao del Sur
    3. Agusan National High School, Butuan City
    4. Trento National High School, Trento, Agusan del Sur
    5. Agusan del Sur National High School, San Francisco, Agusan del Sur
    6. Bayugan City Senior High School, Bayugan City, Agusan del Sur
    7. Barobo National High School, Barobo, Surigao del Sur
    8. Aurora Pioneers Memorial Institute, Aurora, Zamboanga del Sur
    9. Molave Vocational Technical School, Molave, Zamboanga del Sur
    10. Zamboanga del Sur National High School, Pagadian City
    11. Zamboanga del Norte National High School, Dipolog City
    12. Sindangan National High School, Sindangan, Zamboanga del Norte
    13. Liloy National High School, Liloy, Zamboanga del Norte

Section 6. Requirements for Assigned Examiner. The interested person more preferably a faculty member or staff of semi-academic unit of the University may send his/her application together with the recommendation of the dean or head of office including a copy of at least two (2) certificates from the previous SASE or CET, as proctor or test center examiner, in the Main Campus.

Section 7. Requirements for Assigned Proctors. Any interested person more preferably a faculty member or staff of semi-academic unit of the University may send his/her application together with the recommendation of the dean or head of office.

Section 8. Supporting Staff. Supporting Staff are the following:

    1. Security Forces
    2. Utility
    3. Student Assistant/ Supporting Staff

Section 9. Honorarium/ Allowance. Honorarium or allowances of the respected personnel will be based on the approved BOR Resolution No. 170, s. 2012.

Note: Number of security forces is based on the request of the Office of Admissions and the utility personnel is based on the number of buildings used for the operation of SASE or CET. Also, student assistant or supporting staff is based on the recommendation of Admissions Office but not more than fifteen (15) staff to assist the campus administrator, campus coordinator, test center examiner, test center coordinator and proctors.


College Entrance Test (CET) is given upon the request of any of the MSU campuses every semester of every school year but subject for the approval of the MSU System President. Moreover, a student who passes the CET may only be qualified to enroll from the campus where he/she took the CET. Also, the said student cannot enjoy the scholarship program of the university even if he/she got a perfect score from the CET.

In addition, MSU Main Campus may identify the exclusive programs which are available to the CET passer to enroll.

University Scholarship Program

(Adopted the 2019-2022 Student Handbook, page 32. Except Section 6, Section 7 and Section 8 (Grade Maintenance and Privileges or Stipend). Also a Proposal to take back the Section 11. Special Study Grant / Skill Scholarship Program which is originally from Admissions Office)


Section 1. MSU Scholarships & Study Grant Programs. To achieve the goals, the University, it adopted scholarships and grants-in-aid schemes that are aimed at attracting not only bright and promising students from the service areas to maintain a high academic standard but also other students especially from less privileged families in the cultural communities who do not have the luxury or opportunity to send their children to well-equipped and standard higher institutions of learning. For the former, a very competitive scholarship is given through the MSU System Admission and Scholarship Examination (MSU-SASE). The latter is provided with special study skills/grants.

Starting Academic Year 2018-2019, MSU implemented RA 10931; Universal Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act of 2017, otherwise known as the Free College Tuition Law.

Section 2. Scholarship Policies

  1. Submit to a medical and physical examination with the Mindanao State University Physician as a prerequisite to enrolment.
  2. Take not less than the semestral number of units and only the subjects prescribed in the curriculum.
  3. Pass all subjects and maintain the Grade Point Average (GPA) prescribed in the scholarship grant during the succeeding semesters; provided complete all Incomplete (INC) grade(s) on or before the close of the registration of the ensuring semester.
  4. Comply with and observe all the rules and regulations of the Mindanao State University and the laws of the land.
  5. Concentrate on studies and refrain from accepting, without previous permission from the proper University authorities, and any form of employment and from participating in activities which may be detrimental to the scholarship.
  6. Inform the Chairman of the MSU Campus Scholarship Committee of any other scholarship that may be received, and the plan or intention to give up the MSU Scholarship, and any change in civil status, citizenship, or residence.
  7. Accept direct supervision and guidance from the University authorities, and as an act of gratitude, will render service of utmost 5 (hours) weekly during semester, or 100 hours a semester as may be determined from time to time, depending upon the exigencies of the service.
  8. Finish the course within the prescribed period indicated in the curriculum.
  9. Shift only at the start of the second year to another college with the consent and approval of the Campus Scholarship Committee; and,
  10. File an Official Leave of Absence subject only to the following conditions:
    • The leave is highly justifiable, supported by pertinent documents.
    • A written permission from the University is granted.
    • The maximum duration of the leave is one academic year, and the expiration date shall be immediately before the start of the ensuing semester; and,
    • Upon return, will submit a report, which will be used as basis for determining the validity of the leave and resumption of scholarship and/or privileges.

Section 2.1. Forfeiture of Scholarship Grant

  1. Violation of Scholarship Policies.
  2. Membership in any organization that engages in illegal, violent, or subversive activities, or participation in any such activities.
  3. Taking prohibited drugs, threatening a faculty member, an official or an employee of the University, committing any act of immorality, drunkenness, dishonesty, discourtesy, disrespect, defamation whether verbal/non-verbal or online, and defiance of authority and any other form of misconduct adversely affecting the integrity of the University and inimical to the interest of the Philippine Government.
  4. Deliberate or willful failure to pay just and valid obligations, such as board and lodging and other financial accountabilities.
  5. Falsification of official records.
  6. Expulsion or dismissal from the college or the University; and
  7. Non-availability or exhaustion of scholarship funds.

Section 3. COMPLETION OF GRADES. An INCOMPLETE (INC) grade must be completed ON or BEFORE the close of the registration of the ensuring semester. Scholars must complete INC within the week of enrolment and late registration period only. Otherwise forfeiture of scholarship grant becomes automatic.

Section 4. SHIFTING OF COURSE. Scholars or grantees are not allowed to shift to another program, otherwise scholarship or grant is FORFEITED.

In every exceptional cases, shifting within the same college may be allowed only with permission of the Campus Scholarship Committee.


The Mindanao State University provides students the opportunity of an updated curricular programs designed for holistic development of the person to prepare them for top-caliber on leadership roles in their chosen fields. The Office of Admissions (OAD) was created to effectively control the admission of students and ensure adherence to the demands of academic excellence.

Section 1. Admission Requirements in the Undergraduate and Post-Graduate Programs

Section 1.1. New Applicants (Freshmen):

    1. MSU-SASE/CET or CBP Report of Rating
    2. Senior High School Report Card/Form138A (Original)
    3. Certificate of Good Moral Character from Senior High School Principal
    4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
    5. Medical Certificate from the University Medical Services and Hospital Division/Infirmary
    6. 2 pieces of 2×2 photo with name-tag
    7. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

Section 1.2. Transferees:

    1. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate
    2. Transcript of Records or Evaluation of Grades (signed by the Registrar)
    3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
    4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
    5. SASE/CET Report of Rating (for transferees from non-MSU Campuses)
    6. 2 pieces of 2×2 ID photo with name-tag
    7. Medical Certificate from the University Medical Services and Hospital Division/Infirmary
    8. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

Section 1.3. Second Degree Applicant:

    1. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate
    2. Transcript of Records
    3. Certificate of Good Moral Character
    4. Birth Certificate (PSA-SECPA authenticated)
    5. 2 pieces of 2×2 ID photo with name-tag
    6. Medical Certificate from the University Infirmary & Medical Services
    7. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

Section 1.4. Master’s/Doctorate /Law (Juris Doctor)/ Medicine Degree Applicant:

    1. Qualifying Examination administered by Graduate School
    2. Honorable Dismissal/Transfer Certificate
    3. Transcript of Records
    4. Certificate of Good Moral Character
    5. Birth Certificate (NSO-SECPA authenticated)
    6. Copy of Certificate of Marriage (NSO-SECPA authenticated)
    7. 2 pieces of 2×2 ID photo with name-tag
    8. 1 long brown envelope with plastic transparent envelope

Note: The student applicant must comply and submit all original copies of his/her credentials as mentioned above to the Office of Admissions in Step 1 of the flow of enrollment before they will be pre-admitted or accepted from the degree-granting College/Department. Graduate and post-graduate programs are also subject to Office of Admissions Policies & Guidelines.

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Why Study Here?

The Academic offers include 14 majors, 15 minors, and more than 100 in major specializations so your degree will surely reflect your interests and strengths.

Not only does Mindanao State University provide you the practical skills that is necessary to transition seamlessly into the workforce upon your graduation, but we also make sure that you will have a good sense of social justice so that you make the transition responsibly.