Audio-visual center

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > Audio-visual center

Brief History


        Adhering to the current concept of education, which seeks to effect modifications in instructional methods as well as in the instructor and student rules, the University determined to see to the transformation of the Unit into the Audiovisual Center. Under the stewardship of the former president of the University, Dr. Emily M. Marohombsar, then the Vice President for Academic Affairs, the Center started its operation in Academic Year 1978-1979. Designed to provide meaningful and enriching learning experience to the University constituents through the adoption of “System Approach” to curriculum and instruction, the Center set out to achieve its desired goals and objectives. The interest of the Center in this respect range from elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities through various units of government and industry, including the research and development that now seeks to bridge the gap between research and practice in education.

            From its old office at the Science Lecture Hall, the Center was transferred to the Academic Complex Building which also houses the MSU College of Law. The Center occupies the basement where the main office is located, the technical services room, the stock room and the University Amphitheater. The two function rooms are located at the second floor of the building namely the Executive Conference Room and the Lecture Hall.


  • To continually be of concern for relevant and high quality education and the need for our concerted effort to establish certain standards of excellence in educational media programs of schools, colleges and universities in the Mindanao area if not in the whole country; to foresee instructional needs, and deliver new and relevant services along the wide range of learning activities; to optimize the exploration and use of all available resources for the possible establishment of an audiovisual library with an earnest desire to come up with a program which will adequately respond to our clientele’s most pressing needs an be useful to the whole educational system.


  • To possibly transform the Audiovisual Center to be the leading center in the optimal utilization of audiovisual facilities and techniques; to give strong emphasis on the administrative implications of the so-called new media – slide projectors and other items that now loom large in educational media collections, and for the Center to be concerned in the possible organization and administration of educational media services to support and extend opportunities for teaching and learning situation.


In line with requesting audio equipment and technical assistance in the Audio-Visual Center office for MSU-Marawi affiliates, Public and/or Private sector activities or events, the following guidelines shall be followed accordingly:
  1. MSU affiliates such as Colleges, Offices, and/or Units and Department/ College’s Association, requesting audio equipment and technical assistance from the Audio-Visual Center office, shall:
  • Submit a request letter to the A-VC office signed by the head of the office and/or dean of college two (2) to three (3) days or earlier prior to the activity date.
  • Specify in the request letter the details such as the activity’s name, date, time, venue, and estimated number of participants. For any amendments or cancellation of reservations, the requesting party shall inform the A-VC office at least one (1) day prior to the date requested.
  • Sign the Audio Assistance Accomplishment Form and fill out the feedback performance rating form (which shall be provided by the Audio-Visual Center) after the activity.
  • Provide a vehicle to transport the equipment to the venue and return the equipment to the A-VC office after the activity. The requesting party shall pick up the Audio equipment at least one (1) hour prior to the activity.
  • In case multiple requests from university offices and colleges with the same activity date and time are received by the A-VC office, requests shall be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.


  1. Any activities that are MSU agendum related and are requested by the University affiliates as per mentioned above, shall:
  • Not be charged a service fee during office hours but shall be charged beyond office hours for the compensation of the on-duty Technical and Support unit personnel. If such activities fall under Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays, an overtime service fee amounting to Two Thousand Pesos (2,000) shall be provided to the on-duty Technical and Support Unit personnel.
  • Charge students with the amount of P300.00 with a request letter to be signed by the head of department or head of college during office hours but shall be charged beyond office hours for the compensation of the on-duty Technical and Support unit personnel. If such activities fall under Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays, an overtime service fee amounting to Two Thousand Pesos (2,000) shall be provided to the on-duty Technical and Audio Support Unit personnel and such activity shall be conducted within the MSU-Marawi campus. 
  1. Any public and/or private sectors that are non-MSU affiliates who request audio equipment and technical assistance from the Audio-Visual Center within the MSU-Marawi campus, shall:
  • Submit a request letter to the A-VC office two (2) to three (3) days or earlier prior to the activity date and shall secure a copy of the approval letter from the Office of the President.
  • Specify in the request letter the details such as the activity’s name, date, time, venue, and estimated number of participants. For any amendments or cancellation of request, the requesting party shall inform the A-VC office at least one (1) day prior to the date requested.
  • Sign the Audio Assistance Accomplishment Form and fill out the feedback performance rating form (which shall be provided by the Audio-Visual Center).
  • Be charged amounting to Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000) a day either on weekdays, weekends, and holidays.
  • Requests may be disapproved due to unavailability of requested audio equipment or other reasons deemed valid by the A-VC office. Requests shall be processed on a first-come, first-served basis.




    ▪ Submit a request letter to the A-VC office signed by the head of the office for the offices, dean of the college for the colleges, and head of the ARCSO for the student organizations at least three (3) days or earlier prior to the activity date.

    ▪ Specify in the request letter the details such as the activity’s name, date, time, venue, and estimated number of participants


    ▪ If the request letter approved by the director the requesting parties must settled their payment in our office, shall:


    Not be charged a service fee during office hours but shall be charged beyond office hours (8:00 am to 5:00 pm) amounting to One Hundred Pesos (P100.00)/hour/operator for the compensation of the latter.

     ► Charge students with the amount of Three Hundred Pesos (P300.00) with a request letter to be signed by the head of ARCSO (Association of Registered College Student Organization) during office hours, One Hundred Pesos (P100.00)/hour/operator beyond office hours.

    ► If such activities fall under Saturday, Sunday, and Holidays, an overtime service fee amounting to Two Thousand Pesos (P2,000.00) for the audio request shall be compensated to the operators, and such activity shall be conducted within the MSU-Marawi campus.

    ► Provide a vehicle to transport the equipment to the venue and return the equipment to the A-VC office after the activity. The requesting party shall pick up the Audio equipment at least two (2) hours prior to the activity or a day before the activity date.


    ▪ If the requesting parties agree upon the terms and condition of Audio Visual. The office must have a photocopy of the request letter approved by the director. The activities will then be booked.

    In case multiple requests from university offices, colleges, and student organizations with the same activity date and time are received by the A-VC office, requests shall be processed or catered to on a first-come, first-served basis.




    • Any public and/or private sectors that are non-MSU affiliates who request audio equipment and technical assistance from the Audio-Visual Center within the MSU-Marawi campus, shall:
    • Sign the Audio Assistance Accomplishment Form and fill out the feedback performance rating form (which shall be provided by the Audio-Visual Center).
    • Be charged amounting to Five Thousand Pesos (P5,000) a day either on weekdays, weekends, and holidays

Audio-visual center Director


AVC Staff

Administrative Officers
  1. Abdulkhaliq A. Abdulrahim – Administrative Aide IV
  2. Naifah D. Ali – Administrative Aide VI
  3. Azialkhayr P. Masorong – Administrative Assistant I
  • Communication Officers / Liaising Officers
  1. Sittie Fatma M. Masorong – Administrative Aide III (Liaison Officer) 
  2. Abdul D. Cosain – Administrative Aide I

Field Officers

  • Audio Officers
  1. Alejandro Alcantara – Administrative Assistant II (Head, Audio Officers)
  2. Abdul Jabbar P. Sarangani –Administrative Aide VI
  3. Abdul Fatah P. Sarangani – Administrative Aide VI
  4. Ali H. Satar – Administrative Aide VI
  5. Ainoden M. Macabato – Administrative Aide V
  6. Fahad D. Mambuay – Administrative Aide III
  7. Margani M. Umpa – Administrative Aide V
  8. Ronnel Vincent P. Alcantara – Administrative Aide VI
  • Visual Officers
  1. Solaiman Eshmael M. Batara – Administrative Officer IV
  2. Ismael M. Abdurachman – Administrative Aide V
  3. Michael Vincent Lastimosa – Administrative Aide V
  • Utility
  1. Kim Jay L. Magbanua – Administrative Aide I

Office Contact Info

+63 997 811 5492

Dimaporo Gymnasium (old PNB office)
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Philippines


Service Hours 

Monday – Friday ( 8:00 am – 5:00 pm )


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