Mindanao State University

Auxiliary Services Division

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > Auxiliary Services Division

About Auxiliary Services Division


The Auxiliary Services Division was created under resolution No. 782. Series of 1973 of the BOR of MSU recognized the need for an integrated program and improvement system operation in extending services and facilities to students, administration personnel, and faculty. This office was purposely created to play a pivotal role in this university to undertake close scrutiny and supervision on the proper accounting of all devices from different income generating units.


  1. To develop each auxiliary services coverage unit through proper collections and utilizations of fees and collections;
  2. To have proper custody of official receipts and invoices used to cover fiscal transactions of each unit covered;
  3. To provide additional sources of funds and support vital projects and programs of MSU;
  4. To effect proper recording and accounting of all income collections and expenses derived from the campus-wide income-generating units;
  5. To review and scrutinize the financial transactions of each service unit and to advise university management on matters affecting the status of units through the submission of financial reports.


To achieve feasible income for every income-generating unit to support vital projects and programs of this university.


To undertake close supervision on the proper accounting of all income derived therefrom different income-generating units.


To have a successful increase of target of income generating units in the campus through proper accounting and auditing of all income report of collections.


  • CHAMPION in Inter Office Cleanliness and Beautification Competition (2022)
  • BEST In Foundation Day Awareness (2022)
  • BEST In ARTA Compliance (2022)
  • 2nd Runner Up Rawaten Office 2023

Contact Info:


Ahmad Domocao  A. Alonto, Sr. Hall, 1st Street
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Philippines



Social Info

This office supervises the following


  • University Cafeteria

  • University Medical Services (Infirmary)

  • Hostel and VIP Lounge

  • University Book Center

  • University Library

  • College of Hospitality and Tourism Management


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Why Study Here?

The Academic offers include 14 majors, 15 minors, and more than 100 in major specializations so your degree will surely reflect your interests and strengths.

Not only does Mindanao State University provide you the practical skills that is necessary to transition seamlessly into the workforce upon your graduation, but we also make sure that you will have a good sense of social justice so that you make the transition responsibly.

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