Division of Engineering Technology - College of Engineering

Metal Department

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > Metal Department

About The Department


MSU System aspires to be a Center of Excellence in Instruction, Research and Extension transforming itself into a premier and globally competitive national peace University.


MSU System is committed to:
1. Lead in social transformation through peace education and integration of the
Muslims and other cultural minority groups into the mainstream society;
2. Ensure excellence in instruction, research development, innovation,
extension, and environmental education and discovery;
3. Advance national and international linkages through collaboration; and
4. Demonstrate greater excellence, relevance, and inclusiveness for Mindanao
and the Filipino nation.


1. To provide and maintain quality engineering education in the MINSUPALA
2. To conduct technological research with emphasis on addressing the
problems, needs, and development of the region;
3. To adopt, develop, and improve technologies that can be made economically
viable using local resources; and
4. To provide extension services through technical assistance.


1. To develop graduates who can apply disciplines specific theory, experiments
and real world experience to interpret analyze and solve current emerging
technical problems to related to electrical/energy engineering technology.
2. To develop graduates who will be able to design and conduct electrical
engineering technology related researches which are relevant to the
MINSUPALA Region as well as the Philippines and the ASEAN.
3. To produce graduates that are able to participate and contribute by
responding the needs of the communities one serve and support the National
development plan as an engineering technicians and technologists.
4. To develop graduates who can bridge between the designer and the technical
work force.
5. To provide a broad technological core competence which enables the graduates to communicate and interact effectively with engineers in different areas of specialization to make technological decisions with confidence.

Department Contact Info

Jesserie C. Santamaria
DET secretary

DET Office, 3rd Street,
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Philippines

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

  • Johani B. Andig, Ph.D.DET Director
  • Prof. Hope Wilfrey U. Zozobrado, REE
  • Maria Cellesty R. Alenton
  • Jesserie C. Santamaria
  • Prof. Salis S. Palasan
  • Engr. Layman M. Ozarraga
  • Engr. Danilo E. Orain Jr.
  • Prof. Al-Rashyn M. Sayadi
  • Engr. Nicko John N. Casino
  • Mamerto H. Radaza
  • Cecille D. Quijano, D.Eng.

Discover the sought-after engineering technology programs that perfectly fit your needs.

Programs Offered

  • Diploma in Engineering Technology Major in Machine Shop Technology (MST)
  • Diploma in Electrical Engineering Technology and Renewable Energy (DRE)
  • Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology Major in Machining and Fabrication (BSET MAF)
  • Bachelor of Sciencein Engineering Technology Major in Electrical and Renewable Energy (BSET ERE)


Objectives of BSET ERE

  1. To develop graduates who works closely with engineers on the design and development of the innovative technology use for electrical power system in the MINSUPALA Region as well as the Philippines and the ASEAN.
  2. To produce Renewable Energy Technicians that will install, maintain, and repair equipment that provides renewable energy power sources.
  3. To produce an industry ready graduate who are able to respond the growing need for faster, smarter and more energy efficient power electronic system.


Objectives of DRE

  1. To develop graduates who works closely with engineers on the design and development of the innovative technology use for electrical power system in the MINSUPALA Region as well as the Philippines and the ASEAN.
  2. To produce Renewable Energy Technicians that will install, maintain, and repair equipment that provides renewable energy power sources.
  3. To produce an industry ready graduate who are able to respond the growing need for faster, smarter and more energy efficient power electronic system.


Objectives of MST

  1. To produce graduates that have knowledge, skills and attitudes in metal bench work, fabrication, and machine tools operation.
  2. Produce well-rounded graduates in welding and metal fabrication.
  3. To provide technically trained manpower who shall link the gap between the professional engineers and skilled, semi-skilled workers at the bottom.

     4. To train individuals for self-employment. 


Objectives of BSET MAF

  1. To develop graduates who can apply disciplines, specific theory, experiments and real world experience to interpret, analyze and solve current emerging technical problems.
  2. To develop graduates who can function individually and on team, to design quality systems, components or processes in a timely, responsible and creative manner.
  3. To develop graduates who can demonstrate behavior consistent with professional ethics and are cognizant of social concerns as they relate to the practices of engineering technology.
  4. To develop graduates who can bridge between the designer and the technical workforce.
  5. To develop graduates who can communicate clearly and persuasively with technical people in oral, written and graphical forms.
  6. To develop, graduates’ ability to conduct standard tests and measurement, and cam analyze and interpret designs and experiments, and to apply experimental results to improve processes.
  7. To develop graduates’ ability to apply Engineering Technology disciplines in the global scenario with commitment to quality, timeless, and continuous improvement.
  8. To develop graduates’ ability to select and apply knowledge of mathematics science, engineering, and technology problems that requires the application of principles and applied procedures or methodologies.
  9. 9. To develop graduates’ ability to select and apply knowledge, technique, skills and modern tools of the discipline to broadly-defined engineering technology activities.
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Trivia Post
1st Semester, AY 2024-2025



The Division of Technology celebrated Independence Day along with the rest of the nation.


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Why Study Here?

The Metal Department provides you the practical skills that is necessary to transition seamlessly into the workforce upon your graduation, but we also make sure that you will have a good sense of social justice so that you make the transition responsibly.

Craft your future in the Metal Department!
