The internationalization program has been part of the agenda in both local and international HEIs. In fact, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has been prioritizing internationalization in its priority programs. With the passage of the transnational education law (RA 11448), which expands the provisions of CMO 55 series 2016, there is now a legal framework for providing funds for faculty and student mobility programs, overseas education programs, joint degree programs, and foreign universities to establish extension campuses within the Philippines in partnership with local universities. However, at present, the MSU system has been behind the competition among SUCs in the internationalization program, although the current initiatives of the International Affairs and Linkages have been producing significant results and accomplishments.
Internationalization through the lens of the Mindanao State University’s vision, mission, and goals:
Mindanao State University aspires to be a nationally and internationally recognized premier University that promotes and upholds academic excellence, global competitiveness, environmental consciousness, and peace and development
The world economy is increasingly integrated. Many regions around the world, like the ASEAN region, move towards globalization through the creation of a single market and production base with a free flow of good services, investment, capital, and skilled labor in years to come. Parallel to this trend, the internationalization program has been the major thrust in many academic institutions to address the globalization trends. Consequently, many academic institutions compete for the best students and staff to ensure academic excellence and global competitiveness. To avail the opportunities offered by the globalization trends, policies, and programs should be implemented to address this challenge.
Building strategic partnerships in teaching and learning, research, and extension programs (community programs) are the main focus of the internationalization program of MSU in the next six years. This can be done through the following strategic goals: