Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for the Academic Affairs-External Units (OAVCAA-External Units)

MSU-Tamparan Community High School

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > MSU-Tamparan Community High School

About The Unit

MSU-Tamparan Community High School which is located at Linuk, Tamparan, Lanao del Sur is one of the 13 external units of this university. This was officially approved in 1978 pursuant to BOR Resolution No. 1526 under the leadership of the former Governor and MSU President Sultan Mohammad Ali Dimaporo through the active and hard work of the late Mayor Palawan Disomimba. Moreover, this unit has been an outlet to produce and mold successful professionals and active leaders of the community.


In line with the University’s vision to be premier-supra-university in Mindanao – Sulu – Palawan region, the External Units envision academic excellence and the development of a well – rounded person.


In pursuing its vision, the External Units propose the following mission statements:

1.To pursue relevant and responsive basic education;

2.To prepare the students academically, physically, emotionally and morally to whatever course they may pursue after high school;

3.To tap the students’ inherent potentials to be able to serve the community, industriousness, self – reliance, honesty, and love of country; and

4.To develop a culture of excellence, peace and love of God.


To provide and equip the students with the basic knowledge, skills and values to grow academically, socially and economically for the total development of a well – rounded personality.


Pursuant  to the national secondary school objectives and those of the Mindanao State University, the MSU – External Units continuously seek to provide a high level of instruction that wit:

1.Upgrade the educational secondary preparation of socially-deprived students who are planning to seek admission to the University College departments or other institutions of higher learning;

2.Encourage scholarship by developing habits of honest, clear, constructive and critical thinking;

3.Enable students to develop the wholesome values of integrity, devotion to duty, loyalty to one’s own group but accompanied with tolerance and acceptance of others’ differences, and the ability to cooperate with an understanding and true appreciation of the democratic way of life;

4.Aid students in attaining physical well-being and in developing wholesome play, good sportsmanship, and sound recreation;

5.Help develop the arts and crafts of the community so that students may learn some skills necessary to hold future jobs or earn a living; and

6.Improve the socio-economic conditions of the community it serves by helping in the campaign for health and sanitation, development of cottage industries, peace and order, literacy, and food production.

Unit Contact Info

Najmah M. Maca-arig
Faculty Member

Linuk, Tamparan
Lanao del Sur, Philippines

Sun – Thu 7:30A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Junior High



GRADES 11-12
Admission Requirements and Policies
Admission Requirements (Transferee)
Promotion and Retention Policies

For Incoming Grade 7 and Grade 11.

a. Photocopied PSA-Birth Certificate (2 copies)

b. Certificate of Graduation and Good Moral Character issued by the Principal of School where student completed elementary/junior high course

c. Original Copy of Report Card (Form 138 A)

d. Sized 1X1 ID Pictures (2 identical copies and most recently taken)

e. Passing the entrance examination administered by the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (FEASE) or Senior High Admission Test and enrolling summer classes.

f. Payment required fees/Registration Fee ; and

g. Signing of the enrollment contract

For Transferring Students

a. Certificate of attendance and/or Certificate signifying the student’s eligibility to transfer to a certain grade level from the Principal of school last attended;

b. Certificate of Good Moral Character from the Principal of the school last attended;

c. Original copy of Report Card (Form 138 A);

d. ID pictures size 1×1 (2 identical copies and most recently taken);

e. Passing an entrance examination administered by the school;

f. Payment of required fees/Registration Fee; and

g. Signing of the enrollment contract

Below are the conditions that are being considered for transferees from other schools:

1.No transferring student shall be admitted after the second grading period.

2.Transferring student from other school shall be admitted in grade 8 and grade 9 only if he meets the curricular requirements for the year and/or lack no more than two (2) units in the previous years. However, students who took the entrance examination but failed are definitely not allowed to seek transfer in grade 7.

3.Students of this school who transferred to other school shall be readmitted only after passing a validation test. However, students who were dismissed due to poor performance shall not be readmitted.

For All Grade Level (JHS-SHS)

a.If the student has the final grade of at least 75% in all learning areas he will be promoted to the next grade level.

b.He must enroll in remedial classes for learning areas with failing mark and obtain a Recomputed Final Grade (RFG) of at least 75% or higher in order to be promoted to the next grade level or semester.

c.If the student did not meet expectations in not more than two learning areas. He/She is allowed to enroll in the next grade level as long as he will complete the failing grades by enrolling summer classes.

d.If the student did not meet expectations in three or more learning areas; he will be retained in the same grade level.

e.If the students passed all learning areas in the JHS, he will earn the JHS Certification of completion and promoted to SHS.

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Why Study Here?

The MSU-Tamparan Community High School is one of the 13 External Units of Mindanao State University which offers the cheapest yet standardized education. Since its establishment, it has been an avenue for making, molding, and creating professionals and leaders. 

In addition, the school has been offering a community-friendly and student-friendly ambiance which helps the the students study conveniently and realize cultural and community sensitivity alongside learning the different contents that are offered in each curriculum. 

Come and Visit Us!

We will be glad to have you around.