Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs - External Units

MSU-Balindong Community High School

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > MSU-Balindong Community High School

About The Unit

The Mindanao State University (MSU)- Balindong Community High School (formerly named MSU-Balindong High School) is one of the thirteen MSU-External Units. It is located at Tomarompong, Balindong, Lanao del Sur. It was created during the 84th meeting last June 16, 1978, the Board of Regents by adaptation of Resolution No. 1526, S. 1978 together with other External Units.

Its initial student population was from the absorption of both Dimakuta Memorial School and Balindong Islamic Institute by force of the same board resolution. The school is supervised by the Office of the Assistant Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs (OAVCAA). It has undergone many changes and concluded to what it is today.

Currently, it offers both Junior High School and Senior High School. The Senior High School Department offers two academic strands, namely General Academic Strand and Accounting and Business Management. The school has three buildings where the rooms are used as classroom, faculty and staff room, library and laboratory.

Contact Info

Sittie Nailah Helmia M. Dalidig, LPT
Faculty/ICT Coordinator

MSU-Balindong Community High School,
Tomarompong, Balindong, Lanao del Sur

+63 936 356 2796

Sun – Thur 7:00A.M. – 4:30P.M.

Social Info

The School's VGMO

Being in charge of the Mindanao State University’s community high school branches, one of them is the MSU-Balindong, the External Units has a goal of providing and equipping the students with the basic knowledge, skills, and values to grow academically, socially, and economically for the total development of a well-rounded personality.

In line with the University’s vision to be premier-supra university in MINSUPALA region, the External Units envision academic excellence and the development of a well-rounded person.

In pursuing its vision, the External Units propose the following mission statements:

  1. To pursue relevant and responsive basic education;

  2. To prepare the students academically, physically, emotionally, and morally to whatever course they may pursue after junior high school;

  3. To tap the students’ inherent potentials to be able to serve the community and be an asset to society;

  4. To inculcate the Filipino values such as loyalty, commitment, industriousness, self-reliance, honesty, and love of country; and

  5. To develop a culture of excellence, peace and love of God.

Pursuant to these national secondary school objectives and those of the Mindanao State University, the MSU-External Units Continuously seek to provide a high level of instruction that will:

  1. Upgrade the educational preparation of socially-deprived students who are planning to seek admission to the university or other institutions of higher learning;

  2. Encourage scholarship by developing habits of honest, clear, constructive and critical thinking;

  3. Enable students to develop the wholesome values of integrity, devotion to duty loyalty to one’s own group but accompanied with tolerance and acceptance of others’ differences and the ability to cooperate with an understanding and true appreciation of the democratic way of life;

  4. Aid students in attaining physical well-being and developing wholesome play, good sportmanship, and sound creation;

  5. Help develop the arts and crafts of the community so that students may learn some skills necessary to hold future jobs or earn a living; and

  6. Improve the socio-economic conditions of the community it serves by helping in the campaign for health and sanitation; development of cottage industries, peace and order, literacy, and food production.

  1. MSU Balindong CHS caters students from Grade 7 to 12, Junior High School & Senior High Schools respectively. The school conducts annual entrance examinations to select qualified students to enrol for its Grade 7 and Grade 11 classes. Transferees are also welcomed provided they meet the minimum requirements and standards set by the school and that of the MSU External Units.
  2. Passers for the Grade 11 entrance examination shall be ranked according to their accumulated scores, which become the basis for which strand they shall be qualified to enrol in. The school offers General Academic Strand (GAS) and Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) Strand.
  3. Although the school gives priority to residents of Balindong, it also welcomes students coming from nearby municipalities, provided they pass the minimum requirements and entrance examination set by the school.

Curriculum Offer

  • JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOLGrade 7 to Grade 10
  • SENIOR HIGH SCHOOLGrade 11 to Grade 12 - Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) & General Academic Strand (GAS)




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The Third Quarter Assessment will start from February 18 to February 20, 2025

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to Municipal Councilor Nashif Macatoman Macarompun for the generous donation of a volleyball net to our men’s volleyball team. Your support means so much to us and will undoubtedly help our athletes train harder and perform better.
Your commitment to sports development in our community inspires us all. Thank you for believing in our team and for your continuous efforts to uplift local sports!


 [All] praise is [due] to Allāh, to whom belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth, and to Him belongs [all] praise in the Hereafter. And He is the Wise, the Aware.
Alhamdulillah and Congratulations to all the MSU SASE PASSERS from MSU-Balindong Community High School who recently ace the 2024 MSU SASE with 1 PARTIAL SCHOLAR, 2 SPECIAL MUSLIM GRANTEES, 89 BACCALAUREATE PASSERS, and 7 TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM PASSERS.
MASHAALLAH this batch is remarkable, with a passing rate of 72.79% (99 out of 136 takers).