Office of the President

Office of Alumni Relations and Career Center

MSU Main Campus - Marawi City > Office of Alumni Relations and Career Center

Brief Description of the Office

The Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) at Mindanao State University, Marawi City was created in 1972 under the supervision of the Office of the President. As conceived, this office functions to enhance mutuality of interests and concerns between the University and her pride- her alumni, as stipulated in Special Order # 119-P, series 1975 and in Section 9, Article 3 of the 1978 MSU System Reorganization Plan.


           To promote sustainable cooperation, support and harmonious relationship between and among alumni and the University in the attainment of common good.
            OAR shall become responsive and responsible conduit unit of the university in the establishment of linkages with the alumni organization, domestic and global.

             Pursuant to Special Order # 119-P series of 1975 and in Section 9 of Article 3 of the 1978 MSU System Reorganization Plan, following are the Office of Alumni Relations’ goals

  1. To maintain a strong alumni job placement program;
  2. To ensure optimum University-wide communication link through a sustained publication program and such other media as may be necessary;
  3. To evolve long-terms projects aimed at soliciting alumni funding assistance for University programs and, if and when workable, to undertake similar projects aimed at soliciting funding assistance from other sources;
  4. To formulate plans and policies tending to improve the cooperation and support of the alumni towards the pursuit of the University’s objectives;
  5. To serve as the MSU System Alumni Data Bank;
  6. To maintain an MSU System Alumni Web Portal;
  7. To coordinate alumni affairs of the University System;
  8. To establish linkages with the alumni of the University and all alumni chapters in the Philippines or elsewhere;
  9. To maintain a directory of the MSU System alumni and other statistical data of alumni importance; and
  10. To act as the personality extension of the University President and/or Campus Chancellor in promoting University-Alumni relations.


The MSU- Office of Alumni Relations (OAR) enfolds/ adopts the highest standard of work ethics and excellent services to the university alumni. We attempt to produce globally competitive graduates. It is created to become partner/ counterpart of the university and its alumni. Maintaining harmonious relationship between and among its alumni or graduates is of utmost goal.

The MSU- OAR embraced the following as its Core Values:

       Teamwork, Excellence, Transparency, Equity, Accountability, Participative and Commitment.

Staff of the Unit

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  • AURORA BARANI SOLAIMAN Administrative Officer IV
  • CONCHITINA LLANA GOMEZAdministrative Officer II
  • AZNEYAH M. DALIDIGAdministrative Officer II


          This office functions to enhance mutuality of interests and concerns between the University and her pride- alumni, as stipulated in Special Order # 119-P, series 1975 and Section 9, Article 3 of the MSU System Reorganization.

The Three (3) Sections of the Office

  • Research and Multi-media Section
  • Administrative Section
  • Community Service and Development of Alumni Support Section

Office Contact Info

📍Ground Floor, Isidro Hall Building, 2nd Street, Mindanao State University, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines

📞 0956-739-3998

Mon – Fri 8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.

Social Info

Research and Multi-media Section

Administrative Section

Community Service and Development of Alumni Support Section

Featured Post
Trivia Post
    Join us for the MSU Marawi campus Hybrid Job Fair on August 20, 2024, at the MSU International Convention This event is sponsored by the Alumni Participation Committee in celebration of the 60th MSU Commencement Exercises, featuring special participation from MSUAA and DSA. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with leading employers and explore a wide range of career opportunities. Whether you’re a recent graduate or an experienced professional, this event is designed to help you take the next step in your career. Save the date and be part of this exciting event!

What: MSU Marawi Campus Hybrid Job Fair

When: August 20, 2024, from 7am to 5pm ( Tuesday) 

Where: MSU International Convention, MSU Marawi City

For online, join via Zoom Meeting link :

Meeting ID: 813 8481 1037

Passcode: 971003

Please come prepared with your credentials and dress appropriately for job applications. We recommend wearing closed shoes and casual attire.

There will also be a mock job interview session before the actual job interviews take place.

We hope to see you there!


Rekindling Memories and Inspiring Generations: Batch ’73 Alumni Visit MSU on their 50th Anniversary

                                                             MSU ALUMNI BATCH 1973

          Fifty years have passed since the illustrious Batch ’73 graduated but their connection with their beloved alma mater remains as strong as ever. In a remarkable celebration of their shared journey, the batch ’73 alumni recently returned to MSU to commemorate their 50th anniversary. The visit not only allowed them to relive cherished memories but also served as an opportunity to inspire current students and forge deeper connections with the university community. This joyous occasion not only allowed them to reminisce about their formative years but also rekindled their commitment to their beloved alma mater.

          MSUAA Marawi Campus Chapter welcomes the Fearless Bravehearts Batch 73 who includes no less than than the MSU system Alumni Regent Dr. Renato Boniao, MSUAA Marawi Campus Chapter President and former VP Engr. Labimombao Macabando, Former Dean Violy R. Hunt of the CPA, former Dean Mayo of Grad School, former Dean Mero of Fisheries, Former Naawan Chancellor Gomez to name a few. The MSUS President Basari D. Mapupuno was also present in the said reunion and other MSU officials who were invited.

          The Office of the Alumni Relations Career Center Director Hanima S. Lao and Staff together MSUAA Marawi Campus Chapter President former VP Labimombao Macabando took part in this momentous event by facilitating in the organizing of the events by linking the University with their alumni along with the other MSU officials who made the event successful.

          The reunion also provided an opportunity for the alumni to celebrate their achievements since graduating from MSU. They shared stories of personal and professional growth, exchanging tales of triumph and perseverance. During their visit, the alumni embarked on a journey through time, revisiting  the Golf Course, a familiar location that held a special place in their in their hearts. They strolled down the pathways they once treaded, pausing at each corner to relive cherished moments. The lecture halls, libraries, and iconic landmarks echoed with laughter and whispered conversations, transporting the alumni back to the days of their youth.

          While the alumni indulged in nostalgia, they were equally focused on leaving a lasting legacy. The alumni’s visit was not solely about reliving the past; it was about fostering a stronger bond their alma mater. They collaborated with the university administration and the alumni association to establish initiatives that would support the growth and development of MSU. They donated a cash allocation of P40,000 for a healing reflexology to be constructed at the Summit Inn as a way of paying back to their alma mater. It will be implemented by the PPD Department.

          As the alumni bid farewell, they carried with them a renewed sense of pride and gratitude. Their visit not only rekindled old friendships but also ignited a passion to support MSU’s ongoing journey of academic excellence. They left behind a trail of inspiration, ready to make a difference in their respective fields, while forever remaining connected to the institution that had helped shape their futures.


Prepared by: 

Mrs. Azneyah M. Dalidig
Administrative Officer II


MSU Alumni Participation Committee Holds Job Placement Seminar 2023

          To provide our MSU graduates and alumni jobseekers with essential information and useful tips on employment, the Alumni Participation Committee as chaired by Office of Alumni Relations and Career Center Director Hanimah Salic- Lao, RN, DPA(CAR) in collaboration with the MSU Alumni Association MSU Marawi Campus Chapter held its Job Placement Seminar on January 26, 2023, at the International Convention Center, MSU, Marawi City. The theme of the seminar was “One MSU: Relentless in Advancing towards New Frontiers in the Next Normal.”

          The goal of the seminar was not only to help MSU graduates land their dream jobs but also to make them globally competitive among graduates from even outside the campus. 

          Among the resource speakers in the morning session was Dr. Rebekah M. Alawi, consultant to the MSU System President and CSSH Department of Graduate studies lecturer, who gave a talk on “How to gear up for an interview”. This lecture was followed by “An Introduction to Career and Development” by Dir. Sandrah Arnica M. Usman, the Director II of the Civil Service Commission – Lanao del Sur Field Office. The “BARMM Vacancies and Requirements” as well as how to navigate the online job portal were discussed by the Chief of Human Resource Management Division of BARMM, Lady Hanifah R. Mindalano – Alonto.

          The afternoon session of the seminar included a lecture on “Job Hunting Strategies” by Prof. Nasroden B. Guro, a Senior Lecturer from the College of Public Affairs, followed by a discussion on “Transformational Entrepreneurship Across Disciplines” by Prof. Melba M. Angni, the Special Assistant of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. A video presentation by Prof. Jahara A. Solaiman with the topic “How to Make an Application Letter and Resume” was also shown.

          An open forum was held at the end of each of the morning and afternoon sessions where attendees were given an opportunity to raise questions or clarifications. The lecturers then proceeded to answer them. Certificates were given to the participants as assisted by the MSU Alumni Regent Dr. Renato D. Boniao, OARCC Director/ Alumni Participation Committee Chairperson Director Hanimah S. Lao, MSU Alumni Association- Marawi Campus Chapter President Engr. Labimombao A.D. Macabando, Ph.D. and other MSUAA Board of Directors. A photo op with the speakers and members of the Office of the Alumni Relations concluded the seminar.


Prepared by:

Mrs. Azneyah M. Dalidig
Administrative Officer II

Why Study Here?

The Academic offers include 14 majors, 15 minors, and more than 100 in major specializations so your degree will surely reflect your interests and strengths.

Not only does Mindanao State University provide you the practical skills that is necessary to transition seamlessly into the workforce upon your graduation, but we also make sure that you will have a good sense of social justice so that you make the transition responsibly.