Office of Information, Press and Publication

About Us


The Office of Information, Press and Publication (OIPP) was created through the Board of Regents (BOR) Resolution No. 557, Series of 1970 on August 15, 1970. Being directly under the Office of the President of the Mindanao State University (MSU) System, OIPP is tasked to serve the University in information gathering, processing, and dissemination. It is mandated to systematize and strengthen the advocacy programs and provide assistance to the publication and production mechanisms of the University through information and multimedia strategies.


OIPP aspires to be the leading unit in delivering information particularly in conveying the plans, programs, activities, and advocacies of the Mindanao State University in terms of Instruction, Research, Extension, and Administration through globally competitive publication and productions.


OIPP is committed to:

  • Secure reliable and transparent information, documentation, publication, and production in order to sustain the University account and legacy throughout the generations;
  • Ensure excellence in information delivery to the University constituents and clients by assuring accuracy, relevance, and timeliness;
  • Respond to globalization trends by strengthening the University’s information and communication system and enhancing its multimedia strategies;
  • Value the essence of maintaining harmonious and inclusive relationship with the University constituents and clients in achieving excellence and transformative development; and
  • Empower the citizens especially the University constituents to combat disinformation and misinformation through capability buildings and information campaign initiatives.

Contact Information

Ground Floor, Meranaw Cultural Heritage Center (at front of the College of Engineering)
Mindanao State University
Marawi City, Philippines

Service Hours

Monday to Friday (8:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.)

Social Info

Brief History

The Office of Information, Press and Publication (OIPP) of Mindanao State University (MSU)-Main Campus has played a crucial role in systematizing and strengthening the press and publication programs of the institution. Since its establishment in 1970 through the BOR Resolution No. 557, Series of 1970, OIPP has been responsible for preparing university publications, coordinating press and public relations programs, and serving as the focal point for information gathering, processing, and dissemination.

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Organizational Structure

OIPP: Your Channel for Reliable Information and Empowered Voices
