PHWC envisions to be the premier accessible service center of holistic mental health and psychosocial support for healing and wellness throughout MSU system and its communities.
PHWC is committed to provide comprehensive, quality, inclusive, and contextualized mental health and psychosocial support programs and services through compassion, innovation, engagement, inspiration and empowerment of individuals and communities in need towards sustainable inner peace.
- Ensure accessibility of holistic healing and wellness services to MSUS and its communities through creation and provision of safe spaces to address mental health needs, concerns and issues.
- Continuously innovate and adapt services to align with evolving mental health needs ensuring the center remains a premier accessible MHPSS service center reflecting inclusivity and sensitivity in all aspects of service delivery through recognition and respect of the diverse backgrounds and needs of MSU System and its communities.
- Contribute in the promotion, achievement and maintenance of mentally healthy individuals and communities by primarily facilitating consciousness-raising on culture of proactive mental health management and collaboration with multi-stakeholders and established linkages to ensure delivery of various MHPSS programs and services.
- Integrate in its programs and services the promotion, achievement and maintenance of peace, reconciliation and unity at various levels.
- Contribute to broader knowledge generation through research and innovation on Mental Health in the areas such as but not limited to Islam and Mental Health, Culture and Mental Health, Peace and Mental Health, Gender and Mental Health, Youth and Mental Health; and Community and Mental Health.
- Elevate its organization’s competencies and expertise to attend to its mandate.
- Contribute to academic excellence through offering of certifications programs for areas of MH promotion and services.
- Continually improve the effectiveness of programs and services of the Center through assessment, feedback mechanisms, and data-driven decision-making.
- To advocate MH Promotion at all levels in MSUS and its communities to destigmatize mental health issues, raising awareness and promoting mental health seeking behavior.
- Develop comprehensive range of accessible programs and services to address diverse mental health needs within in the MSU System and its communities.
- Documentation of services provided through case management, case conference, and case studies to monitor access, availment and quality of service.
- Develop community-based MHPSS Programs and services.
- Establish a state-of-the art facility within the MSU System that serves as a central hub for holistic mental health and psychosocial support.
- Forge partnerships with community organizations, healthcare providers and educational institutions through MOA/MOU to create network of support for individuals and communities seeking holistic healing and wellness.
- Formation of support groups to develop and sustain mental health services and psychosocial support in the center and at the community.
- Produce competent and effective Bangsamoro MH practitioners and service providers.
- Engage in various Capacity building and development activities for its personnel to ensure quality MHPSS programs and services.
- Contribute to the growth of scientific, cultural and Islamic studies on healing and wellness.
- Establish referral system and create Inter-Agency Council to connect individuals with specialized care when needed, fostering a seamless continuous of support within the broader health care system.
- Cultivate culture of peace through various activities promoting inner peace.
Core Values
R-ESPECT. Confidentiality, Consent, Privacy, Invitation
I-NTEGRITY. Ethics, Accountability, Responsibility, Dignity
C-OMPASSION. Empathy, Acceptance, non-judgement, Support
E-MPOWERMENT. Trust, Participation, Power, Action, Engagement
“PHWC; there’s hope.”