Cultural Affairs Office Staff

CAO Director

Henri Marc H. Ele, MSPE

Cultural Affairs Office Director

Responsible and focuses on defining the rules of the office on how it functions effectively implement projects and develop policies leading it in action with the Artistic Directors, Staff and Grantees, Plan, lead, organize and coordinate opportunity for culture and arts performances, projects, linkages, networks and quality effective services in both off and in campus events.

CAO STAFF-Sangcopan

Nadmoden M. Sangcopan Al-Hajj, RMT

Community Affairs Officer-III

Responsible to help respond on the communication related to the cultural and music performance request in the office and also helps to supervise community cultural exchange, research and data banking.

Darangen Artistic Director-Alihasan

Nadzmie N. Alihasan

Artistic Director of Darangen Cultural Dance Troupe

Responsible to promote, preserve and popularize the Bangsamoro music songs, rituals and dances to be showcased in local, national and international events and develop the art skills of the grantees.

Kambayoka Artistic Director-Sumayan

Pepito P. Sumayan

Artistic Director of Sining Kambayoka Ensemble

Responsible to mount and remount folk and contemporary theater productions to be showcased in both local, national and international theater festivals, and develop the theater art skills of the grantees.

Pananadem Artistic Director-Usman

Mohammad Ali H. Usman

Artistic Director of Sining Pananadem Ensemble

Responsible to promote, preserve and popularize the Meranaw culture and arts specifically the music, songs, chants, rituals and dances, and develop the art skills of the grantees.

MSU Bandmaster-Ruz

Crispulo T. Ruz

University Band Master

Responsible to create, develop, and preserve classical and contemporary repertoire of band music in orchestra, and develop the art skills of the grantees.


Asma W. Pangcoga-MPA

Administrative Assistant-I

Nabil C. Guro

Administrative Assistant-I

Hadji Mohammad Hamza W. Dipatuan-CGM

Administrative Aide-I
CAO Staff-Salahoddin U. Bunsa

Salahoddin U. Bunsa-CGM

Administrative Aide-VI
CAO Staff

Mikha Annisah M. Alawi-MAED

Artist Illustrator-I
CAO Staff

Asia D. Dida-agun

CAO Staff

Baisa S. Sultan

Administrative Aide-IV
CAO Staff

Karen Faith S. Alabot-CGM

Administrative Aide-IV
CAO Staff

Hakim T. Sarip

Administrative Aide-I
CAO Staff

Monaim M. Mapandi

Administrative Aide-I