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KFCIAAS, Dawa'h Building, MSU Main Campus, Marawi City, 9700 Philippines

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Dr. Wedad Ramos Minodar, Sh.L.

Associate Professor V

“Time Management is Life Management.”


             Prof. Wedad Ramos Minodar, Ph.D., JD, Sh.C. is a faculty member of King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic and Asian Studies. She holds different positions in the Center as a former Chairman of Graduate Program and Islamic Studies Department. She is a member of the Committee of the 15th Shari’ah Bar Examinations as examiner in Procedure in Shari’ah Court Pursuant to Bar Matter No. 2716 and 3325 issued by the Supreme Court. She is a consistent Shari’ah Bar Reviewer and Lecturer in National Commission on Muslim Filipinos and MSU-KFCIAAS and Shari’ah Center.

             Dr. Ramos Minodar is a Shari’ah Bar Passer as Third Placer with a rating of 88.22% and a Career Service Professional Exam Passer with a rating of 82.70%. She is the class valedictorian and academic excellence awardee of the College of Social Sciences and Humanities Graduate Program (2022) with a rating of 1.11. She is also a national and international presenter of various articles in Malaysia and Indonesia.

              She finished her secondary education at Dansalan Junior College. She is a holder of the degrees, Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies, Juris Doctor, Master of Arts in Islamic Studies, Bachelor of Science in International Relations, all at Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Marawi City.

               She is also a daughter of H.Omar M. Ramos and H. Shenab U. Ramos. The wife of Shari’ah Counselor Junaid D. Minodar, the Clerk-of-Court of the 6th Shari’ah Circuit Court of Balindong. Blessed with six children, Amer Jawad, Jhud Hamdy, Abdillah Majdhy, Jannaty, Omar Izzatty and Dhel Zaynab. 

Educational Background

  • Doctor of Philosophy in Philippine Studies major in Society and Culture (2022)Graduate School, Mindanao State University-Main Campus, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines
  • Master of Arts in Islamic Studies major in Muslim Law (2012) Mindanao Sate University , King Faisal Center for Islamic Arabic and Asian Studies, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines
  • Bachelor of Laws/Juris Doctor (2008)Mindanao State University, Marawi City– College of Law
  • Bachelor of Science in International Relations (1996)Mindanao Sate University , King Faisal Center for Islamic Arabic and Asian Studies, Marawi City, Lanao del Sur, Philippines
  • High School (1992)Dansalan Junior College
  • Elementary (1989)Marawi Central Elementary Pilot School


  • Special Shari’ah Bar Examinations (Third Placer)Supreme Court of the Philippines, Manila (July 18-25, 1999)
  • Career Service Professional ExaminationMOGHS, Cagayan de Oro City (May 24, 1998)


  • Associate Professor V, Islamic Studies Department, KFCIAAS, MSU, Marawi CityAugust 18, 2020 to Present
  • Assistant Professor IV, Islamic Studies Department, KFCIAAS, MSU, Marawi CityJanuary 1, 2014 to August 17, 2020
  • Instructor I, Islamic Studies Department, KFCIAAS, MSU, Marawi CityMarch 1, 2008 to December 31, 2013
  • Practicing Shariah Lawyer, Integrated Shariah Bar of the Philippines-Marawi ChapterMarawi City, Lanao del Sur (June 1998- Present)

Research Presentations

  • Paper Presenter, “A Demographic Study on Divorce and its Implications Among Selected Meranaw Families in Marawi City"Bantula International Conference on Culture-Based Research, Holy Angel University, Angeles City Pampanga on October 18-20, 2019
  • The Code Of Muslim Personal Laws (CMPL P.D. 1083) vis a vis Bangsamoro Organic Law (RA 11054): Basis For Proposed Policy Agendum (Dissertation)
  • Dissolution of Marriage: A Comparative Study in Islam and In Meranao Traditional Society (Masters’ Thesis)
  • Meranaw Rido: Its causes, Resolution Management and its Impact to Meranaw Individuals as Perceived by Selected Ulama and Professionals of Marawi City
  • Mamis Delicacy: Its Relevance and Role in the Preservation of the Meranaw Cultural Heritage
  • A Demographic Study on Divorce and its Implications Among Selected Meranaw Families in Marawi City

Published Works

  • Land Ownership in Islamic Perspective as Perceived by the Selected Land Owners of Coconut Plantation in Malabang, Lanao del SurArticle

Unpublished Works

  • Review notes on Muslim Procedural Law and Evidence (Bar Subject)Instructional Material
  • Review notes on Islamic Inheritance and Succession (Bar Subject)Instructional Material
  • Review notes on Fiqh and Jurisprudence (Bar Subject)Instructional Material