“In Allah we trust.”
Norolain W. Palawan is a Professional Licensed Teacher (LPT). She passed the Career Service Professional Eligibilty. She had worked in the Department of Education as Teacher 1 and now working at MSU-King Faisal Center for Islamic, Arabic, and Asian Studies.
She was born in Bacolod-Kalawi. Her mother is Amina W. Palawan, a native of Bacolod-Kalawi (and in Sedepan a Masiu), and a retired teacher. Her father was late Capampangan M. Palawan, raised by her mother in North Cotabato but also a native Bacolod-Kalawi, Tugaya (and in Sedepan a Masiu), Tamparan (BuadinBarao), and Lumbayanague (Moriatao Datu).
One of her motto in life is, “In Allah we trust.”
She finished her elementary and secondary school in MSU-Integrated Laboratory School. She graduated Bachelor of Science in Public Administration and Certificate in Governmental Management in Mindanao State University, Marawi City. She earned units in Bachelor of Secondary Education At Mindanao Islamic Computer College in Marawi City. She graduated her Master Of Public Administration in Lake Lanao College Inc. recently and had received awards as Best in Thesis Proposal, Service Awards and Special Distinction Award. She’s currently enrolled in Master of Islamic Studies major in Shari’ah Law at MSU-King Faisal Center for Arabic, Islamic, and Asian Studies.
She loves embroidering and designing. She can cook delicious foods and fond of reading books. Among her favorite authors are Alvin Toffler, Dan Brown, Yusuf Ali and many more.