English Department

Retention Policy

Retention Policy

For a student to stay in the program, he/she must meet the following conditions:

1. First and second year students should have a grade of at least 2.25 or better in all of the core subjects. A student who incurs a grade below 2.25 will be given a warning. After two warnings, a student will be advised to shift. A student who fails in any of the core subjects will be advised to shift.

2. Students should have a GPA of at least 2.5 or better in any semester during the first two years of the program; A student who incurs a GPA of 2.5 or lower in a semester will be warned; after two warnings, a student will be advised to shift.

3. Students with a cumulative GPA below 3.0 in all of his/her subjects will automatically be advised to shift.

4. A student who fails in any of his/her major subjects in the last two years of the program will be warned; if a student fails in two major subjects, he/she will not be allowed to continue the program.

5. A student who is advised to shift will no longer be admitted to the program. However, the department of other MSU campuses may reserve the right to alter or make changes to these conditions as they deem necessary to their respective contexts.