University Library

American Corner Marawi

About the Corner


Consonant with the mission of Mindanao State University, the American Corner Marawi aims to play a vital role in forging peace and sustainable development in the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao by providing up-to-date information sources, resource sharing and expertise.


  1. To provide resources for study and research about the U.S.;
  2. To serve as a solid information support to the American Studies Program of the University;
  3. To be a venue for dynamic participation in the various cultural programs; and
  4. To pursue outreach services to the community.


  • American Corner Marawi Hall
  • American Corner Digi-Hub
  • Learning Space
  • Kiddie Corner
  • Podcast Nook
  • Film Showing
  • Wi-Fi
  • and more!

15 American Corners in the Philippines

AC Manila – De La Salle University
AC Batac – Mariano Marcos State University
AC Baguio – Saint Louis University
AC Puerto Princesa – Palawan State University

AC Iloilo – Central Philippine University
AC Dumaguete – Silliman University
AC Bacolod – University of Saint La Salle
AC Cebu – University of San Carlos

AC Davao – Ateneo de Davao University
AC Zamboanga – Ateneo de Zamboanga University
AC Marawi – Mindanao State University – Main
AC Tawi-Tawi – Mindanao State University – Tawi-Tawi
AC Cotabato – Notre Dame University
AC Jolo – Notre Dame of Jolo College
AC Cagayan de Oro – Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan

American Corner Director

Zaalica B. Edres, RL, MLS (On Concurrent Capacity)


  • Monipah S. Ambol, RLReference Librarian
  • Rofaidah S. SolaimanStaff

Ask a Librarian

Monipah S. Ambol, RL
Reference Librarian

1st Floor, Old Building
Main Library

Service Hours

Monday to Friday (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM)

Get Social With Us

Brief History

On February 19, 1998, two dignitaries met to sign the Memorandum of Agreement establishing the American Studies Resource Center (ASRC). Greta N. Morris, Counselor for Public Affairs, United States Information Service, American Embassy, Manila and Emily M. Marohombsar, Former President, Mindanao State University-Main, Marawi City agreed to co-sponsor the establishment of American Studies Resource Center in Marawi City to be hosted by the Mindanao State University-Main.

The Center was formally opened on July 20, 1998, with an initial collection of 200 titles both print and non-print information sources on a wide range of topics related to American life and culture with Ambassador Thomas C. Hubbard as a guest. Today, it is now known as the American Corner—a learning partnership between the American Embassy and the University.


AC Marawi